HU Students Volunteer to Tutor East and West Jerusalem High School Students

Student Tutoring


Israeli schools shut down just as high school students were beginning to prepare for their matriculation exams. Dr. Inbal Goshen of the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at the Hebrew University realized that many youngsters were likely not getting the help they needed during this crucial time. Dr. Goshen's was closely familiar with the needs of high school students, as last year she taught a class at the Leyada high school, adjacent to the Hebrew University.

Dr. Goshen contacted the heads of faculties and departments across the University. Within a week, she had assembled a virtual team of 140 student volunteers, which eventually grew to 170 volunteers. Using digital platforms, these volunteers currently tutor 190 high school students from 11 schools in a wide variety of topics, ranging from physics, mathematics, biology, English, Arabic, computer science, history, and Bible.