BrainForum, promoted by BrainCircleItalia, with the collaboration of San Raffaele Hospital, the EBRI Foundation and the Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, is comprised of international conferences and events aimed at the general public on the themes of technological innovation and scientific research. The BrainCircleItalia is a nonprofit association founded by Viviana Kasam, with the support of Rita Levi Montalcini to disseminate neuroscience and encourage the encounter and exchange between Italian and international scientists in a field of vital importance to humanity.
President: Viviana Kasam
Tel: +39 339 886 6133
Email: info@brainforum.it
Website: www.brainforum.it
General Delegate: Elisa Rapisarda
Email: elisa.rapisarda20@gmail.com