The Swiss Friends of the Hebrew University (CHFHU) is a national charity dedicated to the support and promotion of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
CHFHU is committed to providing funds for the University, supporting students and academics, and sustaining research projects across all academic disciplines. It also works to promote opportunities to study at the University. CHFHU invests in its donors and in the alumni of the University through its programs, social events and missions to the University.
CHFHU Presidents
Geneva: Mr. Eric Bernheim
Basel & Zurich: Ms. Nadia Guth Biasini
Swiss Friends of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Geneva Office:
Amis Suisses de l’Université Hébraïque de Jérusalem
21A, avenue Dumas
CH-1206 Geneve
Tel: + 41 2 27 32 25 67
Email: geneva@uhjerusalem.org
Website : https://uhjerusalem.ch/
Déléguée pour la Suisse Romande : Marie Cohen
Tel : 079 524 11 84
Email : mcohen@uhjerusalem.org
Basel and Zurich Office:
Der Verein der Freunde der Hebräischen Universität Jerusalem der deutschsprachigen Schweiz
c/o Jüdisches Museum der Schweiz
Kornhausgasse 8, CH-4051 Basel
Telephone: +41 61 262 04 47
Email: hujschweiz@gmail.com
Website: https://www.huj-swissfriends.ch