Founded on the initiative of Walter Hesselbach, a well-known banker in the 1950s and 1960s, the Federal Association of Friends of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem initially stood as an umbrella organization for regional circles of friends. The regional circles of friends, who established themselves as independent associations in the conurbations of West Germany, wanted to make their contribution to the reconciliation between the Jewish and the German people. Above all, the approach was to promote cooperation between German universities and The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in order to open doors for new understanding.
President: Karl-Urlich Ansorg
German Friends of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Schiffbauerdamm 8
10117 Berlin
Tel: +49 (30) 81 46 64 15
Email: info@gfhu.org
Website: www.gfhu.org
President: Karl-Urlich Ansorg
Email: karl.ansorg@gmail.com
General Delegate: Dorit Brandwein Sturmer
Email: doritkt@aol.com
Managing Director: Maya Zehden
Email: m.zehden@gfhu.org
Office Manager : Kathrin Dost
Email: k.dost@kaiserwetter.de