A University is only as Strong as its Faculty and Students
At the time the State of Israel was founded, it had just two institutions of higher learning. Despite massive challenges facing the fledgling state, its founders understood the importance of education to the country’s future. This initial investment made it possible for Israel to boast a number of top ranked universities within a few short decades, and for the young country to become what is known today as the ‘Start-up Nation’.
In time, less public investment was made in higher education, while student enrollment continued to soar. The long term result was fewer faculty members per capita, aging research infrastructure, and losing some of our best minds to universities abroad.
From Brain Drain to Brain Gain
Today, we are well on the way to reversing this trend. Jerusalem is now a first choice destination for Israeli and international scholars alike. The Hebrew University is committed to recruiting some 50 outstanding new faculty members each year — the academic leaders of tomorrow.
The Hebrew University takes great pride in recruiting the most promising Israeli young minds to its ranks, seeking also to diversify perspectives by welcoming top scholars from abroad and from groups historically underrepresented in Israeli academia.
We invite you to meet a small sample of the Hebrew University’s recent ‘acquisitions’—the groundbreakers and leaders of tomorrow whose discoveries and contributions across disciplines will shape our society, both in Israel and across the globe. These excellent young scholars, along with their colleagues, are our future.