In 1994, the Shenhar Commission Report on Jewish Education in Israeli Schools identified a decline in status and interest in Jewish Studies. In 2000 the Hebrew University rose to the challenge by creating the Revivim Honors Teacher-Training Program in Jewish Studies, designed to attract Israel’s best and brightest students to a career in teaching Jewish Studies in Israel’s secular middle and high schools.
By cultivating cadres of highly skilled and inspirational teachers who are the educational leaders of tomorrow, the Revivim program aspires to elevate the status of Bible and Jewish Studies in the state secular public school system in Israel and imbue Israeli youth with knowledge and a sense of ownership of Jewish texts, culture and heritage. Concurrent with rigorous academic studies, Revivim seeks to turn its students into exceptional educators who are equipped to expose their students to Judaism’s many aspects in an engaging, challenging and meaningful way.
The combination of their extensive and in-depth education in subject matter and their unique teacher training enables Revivim students to share their knowledge of Jewish history, texts and culture, and the ideas and values embedded in Jewish tradition, with youth in Israel's secular public school system; and to develop innovative and reflective approaches to teaching and education that nurture Jewish literacy, creativity, and a sense of commitment and belonging to Israeli society and to the Jewish People.